
Monday, November 20, 2006


hot sweltering afternoon where i was at a tour agency with nicole when my phone rang. Over at the other end, an angmoh voice.
i thought it was some promoter trying to persuade me into buying or taking up some new plan. Idiot. i have heard umpteen complaints from students saying about a certain mobile company who calls up students and persuade them to upgrade their plans, change their internet service provider etc...and they talk like machine guns.
Once they start, they never stop and you cant even pause them and say you are not interested.
"who are you exactly !!??"
" i have a parcel for you."
"oh! " abit embarassed for being so curt.
"can you please leave it at the reception then? ....thanks!"
it's hangin' upside down now, waiting for eternal elixir to be bestowed onto it.

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