
Tuesday, May 9, 2006


after studio, we are on our way to Bridge road! and we got waylaid by Carringtons on the way!!! haha...WJ bought 2 necklaces for himself! *tsk tsk* and not to be outdone by him, i got myself 2 bracelets! *giggle*

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finally we boarded the tram to Bridge road and there WJ stormed into JustJeans where he bought 3 tees for an unbeatable $10 and then we walked to COTTON ON...these days, it's just COTTON ON and COTTON ON and COTTON ON...i bought a neat jacket for $15!!! not a bad buy i say....wj bought me a nice rattan bag from Esprit cos it was on sale...and the JeanWest sunnies were $5 cheaper than the ones in town, so both me and wj bought a pair each!!! couldnt resist a good buy! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

becos studio ended around 1pm and we got to bridge road like about 2 plus so we only had about 2-3 hours to shop...yes we groaned at the shopping times here...really nutty and doesnt make any sense...weekends, the shops just close earlier say 5pm? and weekdays they close about 6pm ..not that it makes any difference...but 5pm on a sat/sunday is really weird! where do all the other pple hang out? no wonder the aussies here drink so much cos there isnt any shops to shop...what else can u do?

either u drink or u dun!

so after the shops started to close its doors at 6pm, wj and i went to the shanghai noodle stall to eat fried dumplings and a bowl of dan dan mee! really spicy and wj's face flushed red! to cool down, we had bubble tea from QV's foodcourt where i dashed down to BigW to get WJ some gummies for his sweet tooth... the day ended with us making countless trips to the laundry room to do our clothes...wash and dry...wash and dry...

that's all folks...

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