reading people's blogs can be oh so therapeutic! and it makes me wanna blog even more and to tell the whole wide world(www dot com? hahah...) how boring my life can be! what a joke.
let me tell u how seriously routined and mundane this student life can be...
the morning choreographed with a 'urh..' *stretch stretch*
thots start to flicker in the mind. *shit* another day in melbourne. wasnt this the same ceiling as yester morn?
more thots.
'do i want to wake up?'
'shucks. the Boyfriend is not online today. he has gone to somewhere remote for a stupid meeting'
' i want to brush my teeth before going out today? what the heck. nobardy's gg to smell my breathe anyway...'
the legs touched the terra firma finally after like half an hour of reluctance. walk to the lit' girls room, the butt finds the bowl. pee. flush. wash hands. stare into the mirror, it stares back! brush teeth...hey thot i didnt want to brush my teeth this morning? see. what did i tell you. it's seriously routined till i forgot that i did want to do something extraordinary. guess people wouldnt faint after inhaling my breathe afterall. changed. hmm. peering out of the blinds. looks pretty sunny, alritey then, a red cardigan will do for this afternoon's walk. oh i forgot to mention that it's afternoon aredi. GOOD AFTERNOON! bonjour to you.
walk walk walk. turn; cross, reach cafeteria.
'one hot choc mocha, small, no sugar'
wait, tap tap tap....'oooooo...caffeine running thru my body '. my footsteps naturally found its way to Target. what did i tell you. sale items again. resist resist resist. walk around Target like 3times before heading to the cashier. succumbed yet once again. but hey sista! it's not a pair of shoe okay! is truly extraordinary, because the feet didnt trot back along swanston and back to earl street! it had a mind of its went to melbourne central...why the hell did it went there? puzzled. it pranced into Bardot. omigaud. *hands cover eyes*
the ME is standing at the cashier once more.
2pm: back at apt with 3 bags of shopping. *tsk tsk*