
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Our new BMW 3.20

this is considered a late post...since i haven't really had the time to take some photos of our new car. Ever since the confirmation of my pregnancy, the following weekend, hubs changed cars! From our previous cute red mazda to a silver BMW 3.2 series.

i must say i feel good all over again! Because i was so used to sitting in a Continental car compared to a Japanese made. The closing of the door just feels so much more secured and steady.
Plus the engine is more powerful and now when hubs changes his lane, he can zip in and out so quickly unlike the previous Mazda which needs a longer pick up time.

Plus it has quite a few automatic functions like wiper can adjust it's own timing, the evening lights also will come on on its own, seats can recline up and forth, move back and front all automatic.
Plus when reversing, the side mirror will move downwards for you to view the ground.


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